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We at Windfire would like to help you to find the only teacher you are justified in completely trusting: the teacher within. Your inner guru has never and will never abandon you, and it is our desire to help you to recover your ability no only to hear the wisdom of the teacher within, but to be able to effectively respond to it.

Nevertheless it would be hard to find a duet of teachers more suited to that task than Godfri and Olivia, whose natural and complementary polarities express themselves through a deep affinity of vision, temperament and playfulness.

Godfrey, who established and ran the original yoga programme at The Life Centre in London, has delved deeply into both the Iyengar and the Ashtanga Vinyasa approach to yoga posture practice, while his training in meditation has been in the Zen approach. Combined with his fruitful exposure to contemprary advaita and tantric masters this has led to a potent and dynamic re-evaluation of the yoga method that in being based on the inner intelligence of body, mind and consciousness, empowers the student to easily find their own way to a deep and genuine freedom.

Olivia, began formal Yoga Teacher training in Sydney, Australia. She completed a 1000hr teacher training course in 2002. Since 2004 she has been studying the Dynamic Yoga Training Method closely with Godfri, and has completed a 5000 hours Teachers Apprenticeship. She has been deeply involved in the development of the method, making an invaluable contribution to its current form, especially to the Teacher Training Courses. She is one of only two Senior Trainers of the Method, certified to condcut Dynamic Yoga Teacher Trainings.Olivia, brings to her teaching not only the fruits of years of dedicated study and practice, but also a natural affinity with the subtle, and a deep love of life that is palpable in her presence and her teaching.

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