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helping you find your guru within

Godfri's contribution to the art and science of yoga is unique and remarkable. His discoveries and developments, organised into the Dynamic Yoga Training Method, are numerous, ongoing and allow yoga to be experienced without reference to esotericism or unverifiable concepts. Unintimidated by the ideologies and hierarchies of tradition he has been able to cast clear light not only on the subtleties of yoga practice, but also on the nature of the body-mind relationship and the significance of human consciousness, firmly establishing yoga practice and theory in the wisdom of life itself, while grounding its expression in the language of everyday life.

This grounding of yoga is possibly the most complete and effective yoga methodology available today. It uses yoga posture practice to develop a systematic exploration of the relationship between body, mind and consciousness as expressions of a single spectrum of intelligence. Functioning through the sensations generated by the intelligence of the body and the interpretations generated by the intelligence of mind the core intelligence of consciousness is made accessible through somatic action. Relying as it does on the inherent intelligence of the body, rather than flexibility, skill or strength, this training method allows anyone to enjoy a seamless transition from separateness to integration, without losing touch with what makes each one of us distinct and unique. It is a method that does not ask you to to believe in concepts and possibilities that have no expression in everyday life. This places you firmly in the power of your own experience and judgement, and allows anyone to access the depths and subtleties of yoga regardless of strength, flexibility, age or any other external factor. This releases yoga practice from the hopes and frustrations of blind faith into an ongoing enquiry of fulfilment and delight.

Godfri's instruction will allow you to access and become responsive to the teacher within through the simple pragmatism of the Dynamics of Integrity. Once you they have allowed you to become familiar with the intelligence of your body, by becoming intimate with sensation, you will soon discover not only the deeper delights of yoga practice, but the fruits that such depth of practice bring spontaneously into everyday life. This approach to yoga is unique in offering a detailed, step by step method for finding the wisdom at the root of your own life, that in being consciously accessed can bring you a satisfaction and delight so often promised but so rarely delivered.

At the heart of Godfri's teaching is a presentation of yoga as unity, rather than union. By cultivating deep intimacy with action and sensation the nature of mind as the source of distinction and division becomes evident, and the nature and significance of mystical experiences of union becomes clear. Godfri's teaching invites us to contextualise the sense of separateness where we so often flounder, within the deeper experiential perspectives of connectedness, inreconnectedness, non-separateness and emptiness (or wholeness). This invitation is extended somatically on the basis of direct, immediate experience without any need for external authority or ideological dogma. In being accepted it allows us to feel a deep intimacy with and trust in life as an indivisible wholeness without needing to deny the presence or power of any element of our personal experience.

Godfri's pioneering journey into the roots of human experience is grounded in a lifetime of yoga practice on mat and cushion that began when he was 16 years old. Fertilised by professional training in Child Development and Education, Oriental Medicine, and dedicated study with masters of Zen, Advaita and Tantra as well as Indian Yoga Gurus, Godfri's practice has brought him to a deep, lucid intimacy with the subtleties of being human within which its apparent paradoxes are all heart-warmingly resolved.

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